This section of the Judicial Branch website is intended to provide objective answers to questions frequently asked by our citizens about the court system. Nothing on these pages should be considered legal advice and none of the information is intended to take the place of legal counsel.
Where do I go to legally adopt a child?
Adoptions are primarily processed by the Probate Division, however Family Division processes adoptions related to certain kinds of cases already in that court. To begin the process, call the Probate Division register's office or the Family Division in the county where you live. To find the right court for you, go to Court Locations.
How do I adopt my stepchild?
You start by getting in touch with the Probate Division in the county where you live.
Can I see my adoption records?
All adoption files are sealed. The release of information from an adoption file may be made only upon written request, granted by the court. Court staff, in Probate or Family Division, can provide a petition/motion form (NHJB-2128-P, NHJB-2201-DFP) to request the information. They are also available on the website.
The petition, or motions, must include such things as the requesting party's name, mailing address and relationship to the adoption; the information being requested from the file; any information known by the requesting party concerning the adoption; and the reason the information is being requested.
How can I check to if someone has a criminal record or get proof that I don’t have a criminal record?
For Information on obtaining criminal records see the NH Department of Safety, Division of State Police.
There is no central database available to the public to check a person’s criminal record. The Division of State Police Central Repository for Criminal Records at 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301, (271-2538), will provide an official record provided that the individual subject to the background check has signed a "Criminal Record Release Authorization Form" and shown a picture ID.
Employers or others can download the authorization form at https://www.nhsp.dos.nh.gov/resources/documents-and-forms and mail it in. The authorization form must be signed by the person who is subject to the background check and notarized before the record will be released.
How can I get a criminal record annulled?
Is there a new law covering annulments?
RSA 651:5 governing the annulment of criminal records has been amended by the New Hampshire Legislature. The amended statute became effective on January 1, 2013. Any petition to annul criminal records that is GRANTED on or after January 1, 2013 will be governed by the amended statute.
How can I find information about the Impaired Driver Care Management Program?
See the Impaired Driver Program at the NH Department of Health and Human Services for more information.
How can I find a lawyer?
In New Hampshire all attorneys are required to be members of the New Hampshire Bar Association, 112 Pleasant St., Concord, 03301. You can call the Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at 603-229-0002 or check the NH Bar website for further information at www.nhbar.org. The court system does not refer citizens to lawyers and its staff is prohibited from making legal referrals.
Check out the Guide to Legal Services Programs for information on telephone numbers and website addresses for groups that address numerous legal issues. You can also go to the Access to Justice Commission website for more information.
The Supreme Court Attorney Discipline Office, 4 Chenell Drive, Suite 102; Concord NH 03301, Phone: (603) 224-5828, can tell you whether there have been any complaints filed against a lawyer.
Can I hire a lawyer to handle just a part of my case?
Yes. This is sometimes referred to as "unbundled legal services" or "limited scope representation". You may choose to hire a lawyer to handle part of your case, such as drafting a motion, reviewing an agreement or attending one specific hearing, rather than the entire matter.
What if I need a lawyer and cannot afford to hire one?
You can find information about free or low cost lawyers at Self-Help Legal Assistance Center.
Do I need to have a lawyer to come to court?
You have a right to represent yourself at court. However, you should check the Self-Help Center and carefully consider whether you would benefit from legal representation. Depending on the complexity of your claim, you might want to seek legal advice. Persons who represent themselves in court are sometimes referred to as "pro se" litigants, from the Latin meaning "in his own behalf "or “self-represented” litigants.
Why can’t the court staff tell me what to do in my case? It’s not that complicated!
Our staff can provide you with information about the court process, or provide you with forms, but they are prohibited from giving legal advice to any party in a case.
The reasoning behind that rule is that, in order to insure fair and equal access to the judicial system for all of our citizens, the court staff has to remain completely neutral to all sides in a case. They must refrain from offering advise to any party, no matter how uncomplicated it may seem.
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?
There are ways to resolve disputes without having to appear before a judge in a courtroom, which can save time and expense. For more information read about the Office of Mediation and Arbitration.
How do I file an appeal?
Some appeals from decisions in the Circuit Court District Division are brought to the Superior Court; others are brought directly to the Supreme Court. It is important to determine where to file your appeal. Appeals from convictions, jury verdicts and decisions by a judge in the Superior Court are brought to the Supreme Court. Appeals from administrative agencies are also handled in the Supreme Court. See the Supreme Court Appeals FAQ for more information.
Where can I find information on bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy claims are handled in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Warren B. Rudman United States Courthouse
55 Pleasant Street, Room 200
Concord, New Hampshire
What examinations do I have to take to practice law in New Hampshire?
Unless you are eligible for admission by transferred UBE score in accordance with Rule 42(X), or by motion for admission without examination in accordance with Rule 42(XI), you must take the New Hampshire Bar Examination, which is offered twice a year in New Hampshire. New Hampshire administers the Uniform Bar Examination, which consists of three parts: the Multistate Performance Test (MPT), the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE), and the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE). All three components of the UBE must be taken in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Board of Bar Examiners will not accept certification of MBE scores from prior test administrations in New Hampshire or in another jurisdiction, for use in computing overall grades.
In addition, you must successfully complete the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). The New Hampshire Board of Bar Examiners has established a scaled score of 79 as the passing level of performance for the MPRE. If you wish to have your MPRE score certified to New Hampshire, designate New Hampshire as one of the jurisdictions to which your score should be certified.
The MPRE is developed and administered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE). It is offered several times a year at many locations throughout the United States See the NCBE website for further information about the MPRE exam. https://www.ncbex.org/exams/mpre/
When is the New Hampshire Bar Exam offered?
The New Hampshire Bar Examination is offered twice a year, in February and July, and is administered over the course of two days. The February bar examination is administered on the last Wednesday of February and the preceding Tuesday. The July bar examination is administered on the last Wednesday of July and the preceding Tuesday.
What happens on each day of the Bar Exam?
Registration usually begins at 8:00 a.m. on both days. Applicants should arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. to complete registration formalities and get settled in their assigned exam room in time to receive instructions prior to the beginning of the examination. The following schedules are approximations of what you may experience on the actual test days. Although the elapsed time for each test session is precise, the start and end times may vary.
First Day (MPT and MEE)
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration and seating
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Instructions
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 PM MPT
One-hour minimum lunch break
1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Instructions
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. MEE
Second Day (MBE)
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration and seating
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Instructions
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 PM MBE morning session
One-hour minimum lunch break
1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Instructions
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. MBE afternoon session
At registration on the first day, each applicant will be assigned an applicant number and will be assigned a seat. During the bar examination, applicants must use their applicant number on all examination papers. Applicants will not be asked or permitted to identify their examination papers in any other way.
How are examinations graded?
The scoring process is conducted under conditions of absolute anonymity of applicants. Until the scoring process is complete, the graders do not know the identity of the applicants.
The MBE component is graded by National Conference of Bar Examiners and the results are returned to the Bar Examiners.
The MPT and MEE are graded by members of the New Hampshire Board of Bar Examiners. Each MPT answer will be given a raw score on a scale of 1 to 6. Each of the six MEE questions will be weighted equally and will be given a raw score on a scale of 1 to 6.
What is a passing grade?
A passing grade on the New Hampshire Bar Examination is 270 on a scale of 400. Successful applicants will be notified that they passed the bar examination but will not be given their scores.
Unsuccessful applicants will be provided with a breakdown of scores by mail, approximately a month after the results are announced. MPT and MEE answers will be retained by the Office of Bar Admissions for one year after the bar examination. Unsuccessful applicants may examine review their essay papers at the Office of Bar Admissions under procedures established by the Office of Bar Admissions.
Can I transfer my score on Multistate Bar Examination to another state?
Yes. If you wish to have your score on the MBE portion of the bar examination sent to another jurisdiction, you must arrange for the Office of Bar Admissions to report your score to that jurisdiction. Send to the Office of Bar Admissions, 4 Chenell Dr., Suite 102, Concord, N.H., 03301, the score transfer form and a $25.00 fee made payable to the New Hampshire Board of Bar Examiners. You must submit your request prior to the bar examination.
The MBE score transfer is available here.
Before the results of the examinations are released, applicants must NOT include any reference to their applicant numbers in making requests for score reports, as premature revelation of an applicant number may breach an applicant's anonymity and result in disqualification.
Does New Hampshire accept concurrent applications from applicants who sit for the UBE examination in a different jurisdiction?
Yes. An applicant who sits in another UBE jurisdiction may apply concurrently in New Hampshire by filing a motion for admission by transferred UBE score. The application will be processed and finalized when the UBE score is received from the NCBE. Applicants should be aware that the fee to apply by transferred UBE score is not refundable so that, if the score is not passing, the fee will not be returned.
Where do I get a copy of my birth certificate?
The Division of Vital Records, 9 Ratification Way, Concord, NH 03301. The Division of Vital Records web page where you can request a certificate is at https://sos.nh.gov/archives-vital-records-records-management/vital-records/request-for-certificates/. You can also get a birth certificate from the town clerk or the city or town where the birth occurred.
New Hampshire records have restricted access. Therefore one has to demonstrate direct or tangible interest in the information.
What do I do if I am not receiving court ordered child support payments?
Begin by contacting the NH Division of Child Support Services, Customer Services Unit at either 1-800-852-3345 x 4427 or 603-271-4427 to learn about the services they can provide. Information about their services is also available on the Division of Child Support's website at www.dhhs.nh.gov or contact the Trial Court Information Center at
1-855-212-1234 for calls from US or Canada (Calls from outside US or Canada call 603-415-0162).
What should I do if I think the judge acted improperly in my case?
You should discuss the matter with your lawyer if you have one. Even if you do not have a lawyer, complaints about a judge can be filed with the Judicial Conduct Committee. See the Judicial Conduct Committee website for details.
Who can I talk to if I think the court staff did not act properly in my case?
Speak directly to the clerk of the court. Visit the Find a Court page to find your court and clerk.
Why can’t the staff tell me what to do in my case?
Court staff are not permitted to give legal advice to either party in a case. They can provide you with information about the process but they can’t tell you what to do.
How do I figure out which court to go to?
The Judicial Branch includes the Supreme Court, the Superior Court, and the Circuit Court. The Circuit Court has three divisions: the District Division, the Probate Division and the Family Division. Cases are handled as follows:
The Supreme Court handles civil, criminal and juvenile appeals and matters involving administrative agencies. It also handles some original petitions, such as a writ of habeas corpus filed by an inmate seeking release from prison.
The Superior Court has jurisdiction over a wide variety of cases, including criminal, and civil cases, and provides the only forum in this state for trial by jury.
The Circuit Court Probate Division has jurisdiction over trusts, wills and estates, some adoptions, some surrender of parental rights, guardianships, equity matters, name changes and non-emergency involuntary commitments.
The Circuit Court District Division has jurisdiction over misdemeanor and violation level criminal offenses, and felony level probable cause hearings, small claims below $10,000, landlord/tenant matters, stalking cases, civil cases which do not exceed $25,000, and emergency involuntary admissions. Lastly the District Divisions handle appeals of gun permit denials, land use violations and replevin. In some matters the jurisdiction of the District Division is concurrent with the Superior Court, meaning that a party could go to either.
The Circuit Court Family Division jurisdiction includes divorce, parenting disputes, child support, domestic violence protective orders, minor guardianships, termination of parental rights, abuse and neglect cases, children in need of supervision, delinquencies, some adoptions, marriage waivers, emancipation, and some surrender of parental rights cases.
This website includes a list of all courts by town. Click here to find the List of Courts in New Hampshire by City or Town A-Z.
Do I have to pay a fee to file a lawsuit in court?
Yes, but a party can file a motion to have the court waive the fee because of exceptional circumstances.
Filing fees vary depending on the type of case being filed:
What hours are the courts open?
The Supreme Court is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Superior and Circuit Court hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- To locate the court nearest you click on Find a Court. It is a good idea to check the judicial branch website where, in the event of emergency, notice of any court closures will be posted.
How do I get a copy of documents in a case file?
Requests for court records must be in writing and may involve the payment of a fee. For the amount of the fee go here. Court files are a matter of public record and are available for inspection at the Clerk’s office. The court will charge for copies.
Where can I find court rules?
Each division of court has a set of rules that govern its procedure. Click Court Rules to view in full.
What do the letters in the court case numbers stand for?
An outline of the letters and their meaning can be found on our Court Case Types Abbreviations List.
How can I check to if someone has a criminal record or get proof that I don’t have a criminal record?
For Information on obtaining criminal records see the NH Department of Safety, Division of State Police.
There is no central database available to the public to check a person’s criminal record. The Division of State Police Central Repository for Criminal Records at 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301, (271-2538), will provide an official record provided that the individual subject to the background check has signed a "Criminal Record Release Authorization Form" and shown a picture ID.
Employers or others can download the authorization form at https://www.nhsp.dos.nh.gov/resources/documents-and-forms and mail it in. The authorization form must be signed by the person who is subject to the background check and notarized before the record will be released.
How can I get a criminal record annulled?
Is there a new law covering annulments?
RSA 651:5 governing the annulment of criminal records has been amended by the New Hampshire Legislature. The amended statute became effective on January 1, 2013. Any petition to annul criminal records that is GRANTED on or after January 1, 2013 will be governed by the amended statute.
How can I find information about the Impaired Driver Care Management Program?
See the Impaired Driver Program at the NH Department of Health and Human Services for more information.
How can I get an official copy of a death certificate?
You may call or write the Division of Vital Records, 9 Ratification Way. Concord, NH 03301, at (603) 271-4650. Hours: M-F 8-3:30 p.m. The fee is $15. If you pay by credit card ($23.50), you can place your order over the telephone and the death certificate will be sent out in 7-10 business days. Visit the Division of Vital Records website.
A death certificate can also be obtained from the town or the city where the death occurred.
New Hampshire records have restricted access see RSA 126:14. One has to demonstrate direct or tangible interest in the information.
Where can I get information and forms about divorce and other domestic relations issues?
Contact the Trial Court Information Center at 1-855-212-1234 (Callers from outside the US or Canada please call 603-415-0162).
I was divorced in another state and my spouse is not complying with the child support payments that were ordered by the judge in that state. How do I get that order enforced, now that I live in New Hampshire?
For information about child support, contact the Division of Child Support Services at 1-800-852-3345 ext 4427 or 271-4427. For additional information you can call the Trial Court Information Center at 1-855-212-1234 (Callers from outside the US or Canada please call 603-415-0162).
What is the Child Impact Program?
The Child Impact Program (referred to as CIP) is a four hour seminar/education program that helps parents deal with the negative effects of divorce on their children. It is required by law for parents in divorce and parenting cases with children under 18 years of age, with some exceptions (see RSA 458:D-8 regarding CIP exemption requests http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XLIII/458-D/458-D-8.htm ). For additional information you can go to the Family Division. There is a fee for the seminar. If you cannot afford the fee you can ask the court or the CIP provider to waive or reduce the fee. Fee waiver request forms are available at the Family Division forms page.
Which Court do I contact for such issues as Divorce, Child Support, or Domestic Violence Complaints?
That depends on where you live. Cases are assigned to court locations based on where the parties involved live.
Family Division cases include divorce/parenting action, child support, domestic violence petitions, guardianship of minors, termination of parental rights, abuse/neglect cases, children in need of services, juvenile delinquency, and some adoptions.
If a person voluntarily surrenders his or her parental rights, is he or she still obligated to pay child support, including medical bills?
This is a complicated question that should be addressed by a lawyer. For a legal referral, contact the New Hampshire Bar Association at (603) 229-0002.
When do I take the Child Impact Program seminar?
Parents are expected to complete or register for CIP prior to their first appearance at court.
What should I do if I am concerned for my safety or the safety of my children?
There are two ways to get protection for yourself and your children. Go to the police department or come to the court-either the Family Division or District Division where you live--and ask for a domestic violence petition. To find the district or superior court location in your town, visit our Find Your Court page or look up your court by Town A-L or Town M-Z. If you are unable to file an emergency petition at court during regular court hours, you may file it at the police department located closest to you.
To learn about other resources, including legal help or referrals, visit the website of the Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence or call your local crisis center.
Which Court do I contact for such issues as Divorce, Child Support, or Domestic Violence Complaints?
That depends on where you live. Cases are assigned to court locations based on where the parties involved live.
Family Division cases include divorce/parenting action, child support, domestic violence petitions, guardianship of minors, termination of parental rights, abuse/neglect cases, children in need of services, juvenile delinquency, and some adoptions.
What type of protections (“Relief”) can the judge order?
The person who wants protection (“the plaintiff”) can ask the judge for many types of protective orders (“relief”). A complete list can be found in RSA 173-B. Some examples of relief that the judge can order include ordering the defendant to:
- Stop abusing or stalking the plaintiff or their family or household members
- Stop contacting the plaintiff
- Stay away from the plaintiff and their home, place of employment, or school, etc.
- Give their firearms, guns, and/or deadly weapons to the police
- Give the plaintiff their property, including animals
- The judge may also be able to make temporary custody decisions
If you have questions about what types of orders the judge can issue in your case, seek legal advice.
Where to go to ask for a Domestic Violence or Stalking Order of Protection?
The person who wants protection (“the plaintiff”) can go to in person any Circuit Court location to start a case. Domestic Violence Order of Protection cases are heard in Family Division and Stalking Order of Protection cases are heard in District Division.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning May 26, 2020 and until further notice, the plaintiff may also be able to start the case electronically, without going to the courthouse, by contacting a Crisis Center or Family Justice Center.
What to expect when asking for or responding to a Petition for an Order of Protection?
When a person arrives at a courthouse to ask for an order of protection, court staff will provide them with the domestic violence or stalking petition forms. There is no fee to file. The judge will review the petition and make one of the following decisions:
- Grant a Temporary Order of Protection and schedule a final hearing
- Schedule a final hearing without granting a Temporary Order of Protection
- Deny the petition without scheduling a final hearing
If a final hearing is scheduled, the police will give the petition and any Temporary Order of Protection to the defendant in person.
To help you prepare to ask for or respond to an Order of Protection petition, review the following:
What to expect at the Order of Protection final hearing?
At the final hearing, the plaintiff and the defendant can each tell the judge their side and give evidence. After the judge listens to both sides and reviews the evidence, the judge will either:
- Grant a Final Order of Protection (for up to one year)
- Dismiss the case
- Wait to make a decision or “take the matter under advisement.” If the judge does this, any Temporary Order of Protection will remain in place until the judge makes a final decision.
Extending a Domestic Violence or Stalking Order of Protection beyond one year
Modification and Extension of Domestic Violence Protective Orders
The Plaintiff must file any request to further extend the Order of Protection before the order expires.
Violations of a Domestic Violence or Stalking Order of Protection
If you are in immediate danger, call 911
A person who violates a Domestic Violence Order of Protection or Stalking Order of Protection could be arrested or found to be in civil contempt. An Order of Protection should be enforceable in any state since it is entitled to “full faith and credit.”
Other Questions
If you have additional questions, you can call the Information Center at 1-855-212-1234.
Who can be a guardian ad litem?
Guardians ad litem (GAL) are appointed by a commission established by the state legislature. For more information, you can go to the Guardian as Litem Board page at https://www.oplc.nh.gov/guardian-ad-litem-board.
What role does a guardian ad litem (GAL) play in family cases?
In family cases, a guardian ad litem may be appointed when parents cannot agree to a parenting arrangement for children. Typically the judge or marital master issues an order appointing a particular GAL to investigate specific issues that are in dispute. The court order will designate how much each party is required to pay the GAL unless the parties are indigent.
The GAL conducts an investigation which may include interviewing the parents, the children and other persons who may have information relevant to the issues involved. In most cases the GAL prepares a written report which includes a recommended resolution of parenting issues that, in the GAL's estimation, is in the best interest of the children.
The judge or marital master makes the final determination after considering the guardian ad litem's recommendation along with all of the other evidence presented in the case.
What should I do if I want to change the guardian ad litem assigned to my case?
In order to change the GAL, you must file a motion with the court where your case was heard. The judge or marital master in your case is the only one who can change that appointment.
Whom can I talk to about a complaint I have regarding my guardian ad litem?
Try to resolve the issues through your lawyer and the guardian ad litem. If that doesn't work, or you are not satisfied, then all issues concerning a guardian ad litem should be addressed to the judge or marital master in your case. The Guardian ad litem Board also has a process for reviewing complaints against GALs they certify, although they cannot change a court order. The Board may be reached by going to https://www.oplc.nh.gov/guardian-ad-litem-board.
What is guardianship and how is the need for one determined?
Guardianships in New Hampshire fall into two general categories, guardianship of minors and guardianship of incapacitated persons, usually adults. A minor is defined as a person under the age of 18.
In both cases, a guardian is appointed by the court to take care of the minor or adult, and/or the minor’s or adult’s property, also known as their estate. The Circuit Court Probate Divisions have jurisdiction over both types of cases. The Family Division has jurisdiction for guardianships of minors over the person. For more information on guardianships, see the section on guardianships in the probate division or the section on minor guardianships in family division.
Where can information be found about guardianships?
RSA 464-A is the New Hampshire Statute that covers guardianship procedures and RSA 547-B is the New Hampshire statute that describes public guardianship programs. If you have questions about guardianship you can contact either public guardianship agencies, Tri-County CAP Inc. Guardianship Services or Office of Public Guardian. You may also be able to obtain information from a mental health center, area agency, attorney, nursing home, or hospital.
How many people are currently under guardianship in New Hampshire?
Approximately 6,000 persons (2013). 1,450 of those persons have a public guardian. The other 4,550 persons have either a family member or attorneys who serve as guardian. The guardianship can be person only, person & estate, or estate only.
When is it appropriate to petition for guardianship?
It is appropriate if the person petitioning for guardianship can prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the proposed ward is unable to provide for basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, health care, safety, and/or is unable to manage financial affairs. The petitioner must be able to prove that the proposed ward is incapable of making an informed choice not to provide for these needs, and must also prove that the proposed ward will or has come to substantial harm as a result of the incapacity. Finally, the petitioner must be able to prove that there are no other available solutions that would impose fewer restrictions on the proposed ward.
What is "beyond a reasonable doubt?"
"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is the highest burden of proof that the law requires. According to Black's Law Dictionary, it requires the judge to be "...fully satisfied, entirely convenience, satisfied to a moral certainty..." of the proof that is offered.
How can you tell if someone is making an informed decision or choice?
A proposed ward is making an informed decision or choice if (a) he/she can demonstrate an understanding of the issues and the consequences of a particular decision, and (b) the decision or choice is made freely.
What is involved in petitioning for guardianship?
The first step is to complete the form, “petition for guardian of incapacitated person”. The petition includes questions pertaining to the proposed ward, the petitioner, whether the proposed ward has nominated a guardian, the proposed guardian, the name of any attorney the proposed ward has retained, the proposed ward's relatives, whether the proposed ward has durable power of attorney and/or a living will, the type of guardianship requested, the length of time for which guardianship is sought, and a statement of the facts showing the need for guardianship.
How does the petitioner show the need for guardianship?
The petitioner must provide specific examples of the proposed ward's inability to provide for food, shelter, health care, safety, or an inability to manage his/her financial affairs. These examples must have occurred within the last six months and one of the incidents must have occurred within 20 days of the filing of the petition. For each example the petitioner must prove that the proposed ward will or has come to substantial harm as a result of the inability, that the inability is not the result of informed judgment, and that no less restrictive alternatives are available.
What is the next step after the petition for guardian of incapacitated person is completed?
Once the petition is complete the petitioner must have it notarized and then file the petition in the county probate court in which the proposed ward resides. If the proposed ward is in an institution the petition may need to be filed in the county in which the institution is located.
After the petition is notarized and filed, what happens?
All parties, including the proposed ward, the petitioner, family of the proposed ward, and attorney for the proposed ward, will receive notice of the date of the guardianship hearing. Notice will be at least 14 days in advance of the actual date of hearing.
What if the proposed ward does not have an attorney?
Under the guardianship statute the proposed ward is entitled to counsel. Therefore, if the proposed ward does not have an attorney the court will appoint one.
What if the proposed ward cannot afford to pay for the attorney?
If the proposed ward does not have an attorney a form must be completed which determines the ward's ability to pay. This form must be approved by the Court.
What is the attorney's role in the guardianship hearing?
As mentioned, the guardianship statute indicates that every proposed ward has an "absolute and unconditional" right to be represented by an attorney, and as such, has the right to expect the attorney to act as an advocate and not a guardian ad litem. The petition lays out the claims made by the petitioner of the need for guardianship. The attorney should meet with the proposed ward as soon as possible, and prepare to represent the proposed ward and the proposed ward's wishes at the hearing. If the attorney can show, for any claim of incapacity presented by the petitioner, that no substantial harm will or has resulted, the proposed ward is making informed judgment, and/or that a less restrictive alternative to guardianship is available, then the petition may be denied.
How does the petitioner prepare for the hearing?
The petitioner, with or without the assistance of an attorney, should prepare for the hearing by gathering facts, which will be introduced as evidence showing beyond a reasonable doubt that a guardianship is needed. The petitioner must show that the proposed ward has or will come to substantial harm as a result of the incapacity, that the incapacity is not the result of informed judgment on the part of the proposed ward, and that no less restrictive alternatives to guardianship are available as a remedy to the situation. The petitioner should use witnesses such as family, friends, and/or the petitioner who have observed the proposed ward and can support the petitioner's claims. It should be noted, therefore, that since the focus of the hearing is on functional limitations, generally there is no need for the witnesses to be experts such as medical doctors or psychiatrists.
What are functional limitations?
"Functional limitations" means behavior or conditions in an individual, which impair his or her ability to participate in and perform (either directly or indirectly) minimal activities of daily living that secure and maintain proper food, clothing, shelter, health care, or safety.
Is guardianship permanent?
It can be. The petitioner is required to indicate on the petition how long guardianship is required. For example, if the petition for guardian is required because the petitioner feels the proposed ward is unable to provide for needs due to severe dementia and that the dementia is getting progressively worse, it is more than likely that permanent guardianship will be needed.
When is guardianship not permanent?
Guardianship may be needed for a relatively short time if the purpose of the petition is to be able to, for example, consent to a specific medical procedure. In that case, the petitioner could request a temporary guardianship. Temporary guardianships expire 60 days from the date the guardianship order is signed (RSA 464-A:12). Also, the guardianship statute indicates that guardianship should be lifted in favor of any less restrictive alternatives that become available. This means that if a less restrictive alternative to guardianship does become available, it is up to the guardian to utilize that option. It can also mean that if the ward regains any or all capabilities, guardianship should be terminated or altered accordingly. The rule is simple: always utilize the alternatives that will impose the least restrictions on the (proposed) ward.
What is required to become a guardian?
Under the guardianship statute RSA 464-A anyone may be appointed guardian who is competent, willing, and whose appointment would cause no conflict of interest. The statute also allows for the proposed ward to indicate those persons he/she does not want to be appointed guardian, although the court is not bound by the proposed ward's request.
What happens if the proposed ward has no friends or family members, or does but they all refuse to be guardian?
In either case the petitioner can request the appointment of a public guardian.
Do guardians have any guiding principles for making decisions?
Yes. The National Guardianship Association (NGA) has established a code of ethics for guardians and has identified two important decision making standards: substituted judgment and best interest. The NGA address is 1604 N. Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ 85716-3102 and the telephone number is 502-881-6561. The website is www.guardianship.org.
Why does the petitioner have to show that the incapacity has resulted or will result in substantial harm?
Isn't it enough to be able to show that a person is unable to provide for one or more of his/her basic needs? Substantial harm must be shown because the inability to provide for a basic need is not a problem otherwise. For example, suppose a person is unable to provide for his/her need for food but has several friends who are well aware of the issue and who always make sure that the person is well fed. In this case, although it is true that the person is not directly providing for a basic need that need is nonetheless being met, making a guardianship inappropriate.
Why is it important to be sure that no less restrictive alternatives to guardianship are available?
Under guardianship the ward is denied the right to make certain important decisions and that right is transferred to the guardian. Although the guardian must safeguard the ward's civil liberties to the greatest extent possible, the guardian must sometimes make decisions that are very much at odds with the ward's wishes. Since we all value the right to make our own decisions it is always best to find an alternative to guardianship that safeguards the right.
What does it mean to say that a person has an inability to provide for the basic need for food?
Very broadly, it means that a person is either not eating at all or not eating enough. Examples could include a 92 year old person who can prepare meals but who is unable to get to the store to shop and has no one who can do the shopping; a 32 year old person who has food available in the apartment but who has refused most food for the past two weeks; a 23 year old person who is unable to move about or to speak or communicate in even the most basic ways; and a 66 year old person in a nursing home who must be spoon fed all meals.
Wouldn't all of the examples mentioned above justify a guardian?
Not necessarily. It is not enough just to show an inability to provide for basic needs for food. As mentioned, the petitioner must show that in each case the proposed ward has or will come to substantial harm as a result of the incapacity, that the inability to provide for basic needs is not the result of an informed decision on the part of the proposed ward, and that no other less restrictive alternatives to guardianship are available to address the problem.
What about the example of the person who can't shop and has no one to do the shopping?
Wouldn't that person need a guardian? Not necessarily. The petitioner can only petition for guardianship if there is absolutely no way of assisting the person with food shopping. This would mean that there were no available case management services, no Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) services available, no neighbors or family available, no Meals on Wheels available, and/or no other religious or other community organizations available to assist with the shopping. If none of those less restrictive services were available then it would be appropriate to petition for guardianship.
What about the example of the 32 year old person who is refusing most food?
Wouldn't a guardian be needed for this person? Again, it depends. If this person can show that an informed choice is being made not to eat then there is no need for guardianship. For example, the individual is fasting for two weeks for religious purposes or following a doctor-prescribed diet and the individual is fully aware of the risks involved, there would be no need for guardianship.
What about the 23 year old person who can't move, speak or communicate?
Is guardianship appropriate? Again, it depends on the situation. If the person is currently being treated respectfully and his/her needs appear to be well met a guardian may not be necessary. Similarly, suppose the person's inability to communicate was a result of a recent injury and prior to the injury the person had made arrangement for a durable power of attorney for health care and finances. In that case these arrangements provide for a less restrictive alternative to guardianship, possibly making guardianship unnecessary.
What about the 66 year old person in a nursing home who has to be spoon fed all meals?
Wouldn't guardianship be appropriate in this case? Not necessarily. Just because a person requires assistance to provide for a basic need doesn't mean that the person needs a guardian. If the person has the ability to arrange for his/her needs to be provided through the assistance of others then the person is effectively providing for those needs. So, if the 66 year old person is only being fed because she is physically unable to do so (say, because of a stroke), then there may not be a need for a guardian. It should be noted that even though this person is incapable of arranging for the assistance of eating, the nursing home is providing regular meals, so if no other issues arise a guardian may not be needed.
Under what circumstances might guardianship become appropriate for this person?
Suppose the person developed diabetes and it was determined that the person could control his/her condition by either insulin injections or a special diet. If the person was unable or unwilling to make that choice, and has no durable power of attorney for health care, no surrogate decision maker, nor advance directives, then guardianship might be the least restrictive solution.
Do you need an Advance Directive?
Completing an Advance Directive will give you a voice in making medical decisions if you become unable to understand or speak for yourself. This can give you and your family/caregivers peace of mind because it allows them to understand and follow your wishes about your medical care. Go to this page for more information: Advance Directives - FHC
How are judges chosen?
All judges in New Hampshire are nominated by the governor and confirmed by the Executive Council.
Can I speak to the judge about my case?
All parties to a case must be present whenever a judge discusses that case. There are certain instances where one party in a case can speak to a judge without the other parties present. In all cases, however, the first place you should contact with any questions about your case is the clerk's office at the court where your case was filed.
What do I do if I have a complaint about a judge?
Since 1977, the New Hampshire Supreme Court has overseen the disciplinary process for judges through the "Judicial Conduct Committee." Check the Judicial Conduct Committee page for information.
I am a tenant and was just handed paperwork from my landlord by a sheriff? What do I do?
If you want your case to be heard in court you should fill out a pink appearance form available in the clerk's office. You must file the appearance with the court by the “return day” listed on the paperwork given to you by the Sherriff. Failure to file by that day will result in a default being entered against you. The court will give you two copies, one to mail or deliver to the landlord and one to keep for yourself. The court will schedule a hearing within the next 10 days for you and the landlord to appear before a judge. For more information go to the District Division's Landlord/Tenant Claims page. To find the District Division nearest you, go to our Circuit Court District Division Locations page.
How do I change my name?
If the petitioner’s name change does not relate to a Family Division case type, they must file a petition with the Circuit Court Probate Division. Family Division accepts name change petitions if they relate to an open or closed case of a Family Division case type. Persons seeking a name change in Family Division must complete a Petition for Change of Name relating to Family Division Jurisdiction, and check the relevant Family Division case type, listing any known case name and number.
If a person voluntarily surrenders his or her parental rights, is he or she still obligated to pay child support, including medical bills?
This is a complicated question that should be addressed by a lawyer. For a legal referral, contact the New Hampshire Bar Association at (603) 229-0002.
What is the contact information for re-ordering Continuous (feed) Complaint Form (103A-045)?
The Continuous Feed Complaint Form or Criminal Complaint Form is printed by "Source4." To place an order, call Source4 directly at 508-562-3450 X303.
What is the Public Protection Fund?
The Public Protection Fund has been established, in the words of the New Hampshire Supreme Court, at Rule 55, ". . . to provide a public service and to promote confidence in the administration of justice and the integrity of the legal profession by providing some measure of reimbursement to victims who have lost money or property" because of theft or misappropriation by a New Hampshire attorney, and occurring in New Hampshire during the course of a client-attorney or fiduciary relationship between the attorney and you. The Fund is administered by the New Hampshire Bar Association, through a nine-member committee, under the general oversight of the New Hampshire Supreme Court. The Fund is funded by annual contributions made by attorneys who are members of the New Hampshire Bar Association.
Can I represent myself in court?
Persons who pursue a legal matter on their own in court, without a lawyer representing them, are often referred to as "self represented" or "pro se" litigants. Contact the clerk's office in the court nearest you to find out if information or forms are available for people who decide to represent themselves.
Self represented litigants may want to review the information found at the NH Judicial Branch Self-Help Center
What do I do if I have received a pink copy of a Small Claims Complaint?
Read it carefully front and back and then fill out the bottom portion on the back and send it to the court. The court will schedule a hearing and send you a notice to appear in court in a few weeks. At that time, you may bring any evidence or witnesses you wish the judge to consider on your behalf. Small claims mediation is available, without charge.
Do I need an attorney to represent me?
No, you do not. You can hire your own attorney if you wish, but the small claims procedure is designed for individuals to handle their own claims. This is a less formal court proceeding and the court understands that most individuals will be representing themselves. Also see the Self-Help Center.
What if the other side has an attorney?
Judges understand that it is their role to assure that hearings are fair and that all parties have an opportunity to speak without being intimidated.
I brought a small claims complaint in court and now I have received a "Notice of Default" (or a "Notice of Judgment"). What do I do now?
The person you brought the claim against (the defendant) has 30 days to pay the judgment in full. If the defendant fails to pay, or fails to pay the amount in full, you may attempt to collect through the court in a process outlined in the small claims portion of the court's website.
Can I pay a motor vehicle ticket at the court?
No. The court does not process motor vehicle violations unless a trial is requested. The ticket must be paid directly to the Division of Motor Vehicles, 23 Hazen Drive Concord NH 03301.
How can I find out what I owe on traffic tickets?
Call or write the Bureau of Financial Responsibility at the Division of Motor Vehicles, (603) 227-4010. The address is 23 Hazen Drive Concord NH 03301.
How can I pay a traffic ticket without having to drive to the town where it was issued?
Call the Bureau of Financial Responsibility at the Division of Motor Vehicles, (603) 227-4010 for information. The address is 23 Hazen Drive Concord NH 03301.
What is the procedure to get a transcript of my hearing?
You can request a copy of the transcript by following the instructions here.
What forms does an executor or administrator need to file to open an estate of a deceased person?
The requirements for probate are varied. For information, see the Estates page in Circuit Court Probate Division.
When someone dies, does the person holding the will, or the executor, need to file the will or file anything with the court if everything is already jointly owned?
Yes, even if the decedent left no assets that need to be probated, if a will or any codicils (amendments to will) exist, the person named in the will as executor, or the person holding the original will, must file the will and any codicils and certified copy of the death certificate with a Notice of Will Filed - No Estate Administration Requested (NHJB-2905-Pe) within 30 days of death. If real or personal property is held as a "joint tenancy with right of survivorship," it is not part of the probate estate since title passes at death directly to the surviving joint tenant.
What happens if there is no will?
If the deceased person had assets, a Petition for Estate Administration must be filed. Visit the Estates page to see what forms are needed to open an estate.
What if there is a will, but the person listed as the executor does not wish to handle the estate?
If the person named executor in the will cannot or will not open the estate, whomever wishes to open it must file a Petition for Estate Administration along with a Declination form (NHJB-2123-Pe) signed by the person who was originally listed to serve as executor. The declination must be filed if the person named in the will to serve as executor does not wish to serve.
After the executor files the petition, what should the executor do if a decedent’s will was created in another state (e.g. Massachusetts, Connecticut, etc.)?
The executor has two options.
1) E-file a completed Statement of Counsel as to Propriety of a Foreign Will/Codicil to be Admitted into Probate (NHJB-2146-Pe).
This form is used when a Will or Codicil is being probated in New Hampshire but was executed in another state.
*Note: The form must be signed by an attorney active and in good standing in the state in which the will was created.*
2) The executor may file Assents for Proof of Will signed by all interested parties showing their agreement that the will be proven without witnesses appearing in court.
How does the executor determine if a will was executed in NH?
Look at the signature page of the will. The Notary Public signature will include the state and county where the will was signed.
After the petition is filed, what does the executor I do if a will is not self- proving and a witness that signed the will cannot appear in court?
E-file a Motion to Prove Will by Deposition (NHJB-2130-Pe).
This form is used to ask the court to appoint a notary public to act as a commissioner to take the deposition of a witness to the execution of a will or codicil. It is used when none of the witness to the will or codicil can appear in court to answer questions about what happened when the will or codicil was originally signed by the deceased.
After this motion is granted, e-file a Deposition in Proof of Will (NHJB-2124-Pe).
This form is used when the witness who signed the will or codicil cannot appear in court to answer questions about what happened when the document was originally signed. The form must be completed by the notary public who was appointed "commissioner" in the form "Motion to Prove Will by Deposition" (NHJB-2130-Pe).
Can I write my own will?
Yes, people can write their own wills in New Hampshire. Under New Hampshire law, everyone at least 18 years of age and married persons under that age, who are of sane mind, may dispose of their property by their last will in writing. In order for a will or codicil to be valid under New Hampshire law, it must comply with the requirements of the law. For instance, the will must be in writing, signed by the person whose will it is, and signed by two or more credible witnesses who must swear that the person’s signature is genuine. See RSA 551:2 for all requirements.
How long do creditors have to file a claim against the estate?
The estate must remain open for at least six months from the date of the executor’s appointment to allow creditors to present claims. If all claims have been paid, the estate may be closed and a final account filed with the court.
Where can I get forms for a living will?
The court does not provide forms for living wills. To obtain a form for a living will, write the New Hampshire Hospital Association at 125 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301, or call (603) 225-0900.
What does it cost to file a case in the Circuit Court Probate Division?
Court entry fees vary by case type in the probate division. Refer to the Filing Fees Chart for more information.
How do I get a copy of documents in a case file?
Requests for court records must be in writing and may involve the payment of a fee. For the amount of the fee go here. Court files are a matter of public record and are available for inspection at the Clerk’s office. The court will charge for copies.