
Welcome to New Hampshire Courts

The New Hampshire Court System is also know as the Judicial Branch, one of three branches of state government that also includes the Executive and the Legislative branches. The legislature makes the laws, the courts interpret the laws enacted by the legislature, and the Executive Branch, through agencies such as the Attorney General’s office, enforces the laws. The legislature also approves the Judicial Branch budget as part of the biennial budget process for all of state government.

By learning more about the court system and how it interconnects with the rest of state government, you will become a more informed citizen and gain a stronger appreciation for both the rule of law and the importance of our Constitution.

Civics Education

Civic education provides a basis for understanding how laws are made and how they apply to everyone.

Court Rules

Court Rules are adopted as a way to make sure that similar cases are handled in the same way in all courts around the state. That in turn helps protect rights set out in our state constitution. The rules form a standardized system of justice that guarantees every New Hampshire citizen will be treated equally when they come to court.

Legal Definitions

Unsure of a legal term? Look it up on the Legal Definitions page.

More Information

More information about the court system's history can be found at the Supreme Court About page. The information in this section is designed to help you to better understand our state justice system. If there is anything you need to know that is not contained on this page, please feel free to email us and ask.


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