Registration Process for Use of Cameras and Audio Equipment
The New Hampshire Supreme Court approved a registration process for news media organizations and individuals who regularly use video and audio equipment or still photography in the state courts. The registration process was developed by the New Hampshire Committee on the Judiciary and the Media (CJM) whose members include judges, clerks, court security, broadcast and print journalists and media lawyers, an approved for implementation by the Supreme Court in conjunction with rules that govern electronic coverage of court proceedings.
Registration of Media
Registration by a media organization covers all individuals working on behalf of that organization. News media organizations or individuals intending to cover court proceedings are required to register with the Judicial Branch Communications Office in order to use photographic equipment, either still or video, or audio recordings devices in court. Same day registration is allowed, but requires a different form, is for one day only, and the request must be approved by the presiding judge in the case before that individual or organization will be permitted to use still or video or audio equipment.
- Check to see if your organization is already registered on the Registered New Organizations list.
- To register your organization see: News Media Registration Form
Completed and signed Registration Forms are submitted to the Judicial Branch Communications Office at Once approved, the Communications Manager will sign and return the registration form to the news organization or individual.
The registration process does not impact existing court rules which give the presiding justice discretion to limit the number of cameras, recording devices and related equipment allowed in the courtroom at one time. In those cases, pool coverage may be required. See also:
Requesting Access
All representatives of registered news organizations, and registered individuals, will have access to courtrooms statewide but must check in at the clerk’s office to give the court notice of their intent to record or photograph all or part of that day’s proceedings.
One Day Access
Individuals or organizations that are not registered, but want to use still, video or audio recording equipment in a courtroom must complete an audio/video/camera notification (One Day) form and provide it to the clerk's office prior to entering the courtroom. The request must be approved by the presiding judge before that individual or organization will be permitted to use still or video or audio equipment.
For further information, contact