Admission by Transferred UBE Score

The requirements to be admitted by transferred UBE score are set forth in Supreme Court Rule 42 (X). Applicants who have earned a UBE scaled score of 270 or better on a scale of 400 in an administration of a UBE exam from another jurisdiction are eligible to apply under this rule. The UBE jurisdictions are listed in the following link from the National Conference of Bar Examiners. The applicant must have earned the UBE score

  • in an administration of the UBE which occurred within three years immediately preceding the date on which the motion for admission by transferred UBE score is filed; or
  • if the score was earned in an administration of the UBE which occurred more than three years, but less than five years prior to the date of filing, the applicant must establish that he or she has been primarily engaged in the active practice of law for at least two years in a jurisdiction in which the applicant was a member in good standing and was authorized to practice law throughout the entire two-year period.

Applicants must also meet the general eligibility requirements of Rule 42 (IV), the educational requirements of Rule 42 (V), and must meet the Character and Fitness requirements of Rule 42 (VI).

Applicants seeking admission by transferred UBE score must submit (1) the Petition and Questionnaire for Admission to the New Hampshire Bar and all documentation requested in the Petition and Questionnaire; (2) Motion Form C; and (3) a UBE Score Transcript through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Please use the Packet Completion Checklist (Admission by Transferred UBE Score) to make sure that your submission is complete.

Applicants for admission by transferred UBE score must successfully complete the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) before filing their motion for admission.

The fee to apply by motion for admission by transferred UBE Score is $725.00. The check should be made payable to the State of New Hampshire.