Data & Reports

As part of the New Hampshire Judicial Branch’s mission to provide accessible, prompt, and efficient forums for the fair and independent administration of justice, the Administrative Office of the Court strives to make available to the public timely and accurate court data and reports. The information set forth below is updated periodically and provides insight into the cases handled within our respective courts as well as the financial and administrative operations of the Judicial Branch.

General inquiries about court data may be directed to Members of the news media may direct inquiries to

Periodically Compiled Data

In this section, you will find standard data that the NH Judicial Branch provides on a schedule.

Annual Filings – Circuit Court

Annual Filings - Superior Court

Annual Filings - Supreme Court

Miscellaneous Data

In this section, you will find data on topics of current interest

National Court Data 

New Hampshire annually submits data to the Court Statistics Project, which the CSP makes available to the public via an interactive tool that allows users to select, filter, and export data of interest from multiple states. The data reported to the CSP conforms to national definitions and case counting rules, in order for it to be comparable with other states. It may differ from summaries provided in the Periodically Compiled Data and Miscellaneous Data sections, above.


This section includes reports on various court-related topics.