Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics

Rules of Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics 

The Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics was created by the Supreme Court on May 25, 2001. The rule creating the committee, Supreme Court Rule 38-A states, "The purpose of the committee is to provide guidance to judges about compliance with rules of court and statutes relating to the ethical and professional conduct of judges." 


Any person whose conduct is subject to the Code of Judicial Conduct may ask the committee for an advisory opinion about the propriety of his or her proposed conduct. An opinion of the committee is advisory only; however, the Judicial Conduct Committee and the Supreme Court may consider compliance with an advisory opinion to be evidence of a good faith effort to comply with the Code of Judicial Conduct. Requests for advisory opinions and other inquiries of the committee can be sent to:

Erin Creegan, Secretary, Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics
Administrative Office of the Courts
1 Granite Place, Suite N400
Concord, NH 03301


The committee consists of five members, at least three of whom must be a judge or retired judge. Members of the Supreme Court may not serve on the committee. The current members of the committee and the expiration of their terms are: 

Hon. Amy Messer, 08/31/25
Hon. Elizabeth M. Leonard, 08/31/25
Attorney Timothy E. Bush, 09/01/26
Hon. Kimberly Chabot, 09/01/24
Attorney Lyndsee D. Paskalis, 09/01/24