Contact Us

Contact a Court

Need to find a court? Or a clerk or a register? Below are links to directions, phone numbers and addresses to the NH court you're looking for:

Call the Court Information Center

The Circuit and Superior Courts have a single toll free number for all phone calls placed from the US or Canada: 1-855-212-1234.  Callers from outside the US or Canada must use the Circuit Court's toll number: 603-415-0162. The Information Center is open from 8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. Information Center staff provide information about court cases, procedures, forms and information about related resources that may be of assistance in your case.

NOTE: Information Center and Court staff do not provide legal advice, legal research or references to specific lawyers. For information about lawyers, click here

Administrative Office of the Courts

The Administrative Office of the Courts provides centralized and specialized support services to judges, clerks, and support staff of New Hampshire's courts. For questions about court administration or job opportunities you can contact the Administrative Office of the Courts.

Law Library

For information about legal research materials available to the public visit the New Hampshire Law Library site.

Technical Questions about the Website

This website is designed to guide you through the Judicial Branch. If you have comments about the site, or suggestions for improvement, or have found an error, please contact the Webmaster at