New Hampshire Judicial Branch Law Student Internships

Internship Opportunities

The New Hampshire Judicial Branch is composed of one appellate court (the Supreme Court), and two trial courts (the Circuit and Superior Courts). Each court welcomes law student interns who seek to further the mission of the New Hampshire Judicial Branch “[t]o preserve the rule of law and protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the United States and New Hampshire Constitutions” by providing “accessible, prompt, and efficient forums for the fair and independent administration of justice, with respect for the dignity of all we serve.” Judicial branch law student internships are unpaid. However, students are encouraged to apply for any public interest stipend or fellowship that their law school may offer.

Summer internships are available for both 1L and 2L students, and semester-based internships are available for both 2L and 3L students. Generally, 2L and 3L students will receive more challenging and complex assignments than 1L students. However, all interns at each court level will have the opportunity to observe court proceedings, review filings and evidence submitted by the parties, and conduct legal research and writing regarding a variety of matters that come before the court. In addition, all students can expect to work closely with the judges or justices and law clerks at their assigned court level. 

How To Apply

Law students interested in serving as an intern at any court within the New Hampshire Judicial Branch may apply by submitting a single application form (available here), a resume, a writing sample, and a transcript. All application materials must be combined into a single PDF file, named with the applicant’s last name and first initial, followed by the term for which the applicant is applying (Ex., SmithJSummer23.pdf or SmithJFall23.pdf). Separate applications must be submitted for each internship term that is of interest. Applications may be emailed to Before applying, interested students should review the Law Clerk Code of Conduct as well as the Code of Judicial Conduct.

Application Deadlines

Law students interested in interning during the summer following their 2L year (or equivalent thereof) should apply by August 1st of the preceding year; law students interested in interning during the summer following their 1L year should apply by February 1st of the year in which they hope to serve as an intern. Law students interested in interning during the fall of their 2L or 3L year should apply by March 15th of the year in which they hope to serve as an intern. Law students interested in interning during the spring of their 2L or 3L year should apply by October 15th of the preceding year. Any applications received after the aforementioned deadlines will be considered on a rolling basis, as space allows.

NOTICE: The New Hampshire Judicial Branch is committed to creating an environment that values and supports diversity and inclusiveness and in which every employee is treated with dignity and respect. The Judicial Branch is an equal opportunity employer, and encourages applications from all qualified individuals. Discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, color, marital status, physical or mental disability, religious creed, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or any other class protected by federal or state law is strictly prohibited.

For more information regarding these internship opportunities, please contact: