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# 2018-001

# 2018-001. Cir.Ct.Fam.Div,R.2.29.Effective Dates. 02.08.18 email from attorney Gordon

# 2018-002

# 2018-002. Rule of Prof. Cond. 1.15. 02.14.18 letter and attachment from attorney Keating
# 2018-002 Rule of Prof Cond 1 15 08 15 18 letter from Attorney General Gordon MacDonald
# 2018-002. Rule of Prof. Cond. letter from attorney Goodwin

# 2018-003

# 2018-003. Sup. Ct.R. 3(a). Technical Change. 04.05.18 letter from attorney Endres

# 2018-004

# 2018-004. Sup.Ct.R. memo and attachment from Eileen Fox

# 2018-005

# 2018-005. NH Rule Crim Pro 8(d). 05.09.18 memo from Koegler

# 2018-006

# 2018-006. Type-Volume Limitations for Supreme Court Briefs. 05.20.18 memo from attorney Gordon
# 2018-006. Type-Volume Limitations for Supreme Court Briefs. 09.06.18 memo from attorney Gordon
# 2018-006. Type-Volume Limitations for Supreme Court Briefs. 11.26.18 memo from Koegler
# 2018-006. Type-Volume Limitations for Supreme Court Briefs. 12.05.18 memo from attorney Gudas

# 2018-007

# 2018-007. Sup. Ct. R. 36. 04.25.18 letter from Mr. Karels

# 2018-008

# 2018-008. Prof.Cond.R.6.5. 07.13.18 Sup.Ct.Order

# 2018-009

# 2018-009. Gender Neutral Language in Supreme Court Rules.09.04.18 memo from Koegler

# 2018-010

# 2018-010. NH R, Crim.Pro. Confidential Documents and Confidential Information.11.26.18 memo from Koegler

# 2018-011

# 2018-011. Circuit Court Rules. Confidential Documents and Confidential Information. 11.26.18 memo from Koegler

# 2018-012

# 2018-012. Sup.Ct.R.57-A.11.26.18 memo from Koegler
# 2018-012. Sup.Ct.R.57-A. Custody and Return of Documents and Materials Filed in Camera. 02.11.19 memo from Koegler