Daily Docket

Note: Below are the daily docket sheets posted as of 4 pm the day prior to the scheduled hearings. Please be advised the schedule could be subject to last minute changes. If you have any questions, contact the Information Center at 1-855-212-1234.


The majority of court proceedings are held in person. The Superior Court’s policy regarding WebEx hearings is as follows: If a hearing is scheduled to occur in person, parties in the case can file a motion to convert the hearing to WebEx and the judge will rule on that request. If a hearing is scheduled to occur by WebEx, the public may join the WebEx hearing. If a hearing is scheduled as an in-person hearing, the public will be allowed to observe in person. Please refer to the daily docket for information as to whether a hearing is scheduled as an in-person hearing or through WebEx.

The public may request access to a WebEx hearing in the Superior Court by sending an email that includes the case number to the email address listed below. These email addresses are for WebEx access requests only. Queries for information about a case will not be answered. If you have questions regarding a case, please call the information center at 1-855-212-1234.


Information Icon

Read this prior to joining a hearing by WebEx:


You are about to watch a live stream of a court hearing. Per the New Hampshire Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 46. Photographing, Recording, and Broadcasting
DO NOT RECORD this live stream.


If this is your first experience joining a WebEx meeting, please review the instructions here beforehand: WebEx Guidelines and Tips


The majority of court proceedings are held in person. The Superior Court’s policy regarding WebEx hearings is as follows: If a hearing is scheduled to occur in person, parties in the case can file a motion to convert the hearing to WebEx and the judge will rule on that request. If a hearing is scheduled to occur by WebEx, the media may join the WebEx hearing. If a hearing is scheduled as an in-person hearing, the media will be allowed to observe in person. Please refer to the daily docket for information as to whether a hearing is scheduled as an in-person hearing or through WebEx.

Members of the media that wish to access hearings in the Superior Courts via WebEx following these protocols must contact the Communications Office. with questions. More information regarding access and technical tips can be found here: WebEx Guidelines and Tips for the Media


You must mute your microphone and disable your video feed prior to joining a meeting. You are not permitted to speak or interrupt proceedings at any time. Failure to comply will result in your being disconnected.

Belknap Superior Court
WEBEX information for Belknap Superior

Carroll Superior Court
WEBEX information for Carroll Superior

Cheshire Superior Court
WEBEX information for Cheshire Superior

Coos Superior Court
WEBEX information for Coos Superior

Grafton Superior Court
WEBEX information for Grafton Superior

Hillsborough Superior Court North
WEBEX information for Hillsborough Superior Court North

Hillsborough Superior Court South
WEBEX information for Hillsborough Superior Court South

Merrimack Superior Court
WEBEX information for Merrimack Superior

Rockingham Superior Court
WEBEX information for Rockingham Superior

Strafford Superior Court
WEBEX information for Strafford Superior

Sullivan Superior Court
WEBEX information for Sullivan Superior