Involuntary Emergency Admissions (IEAs) 

The IEA process may be used when someone (the Petitionee) is engaging in or has engaged in dangerous acts or behaviors that may result in harm to themselves or others. The process begins with an IEA Petition. The person who starts the Petition is called the Petitioner.  The Petitioner completes the first several pages of the Petition by providing contact information about themselves, general information about the Petitionee, and by describing the dangerous acts or behaviors in which the Petitionee has engaged.  

Electronic Guided Interview

A Petitioner may use the guided interview site for assistance with completing the necessary form(s).  The electronic guided interview will ask questions and use the answers to populate the correct form(s).  Along the way, there are several helpful questions and answers (FAQs) regarding the IEA process.  At the end of the guided interview, the forms that have been created will need to be printed out, or emailed to someone else to print out.


If you are not using the electronic guided interview site for assistance, you may access the IEA forms here.  You may type directly into these forms and print them out, or you may print out blank copies and handwrite onto them if you prefer.


Narrated PowerPoint by Administrative Judge David King – Information for Petitioner About Involuntary Emergency Admissions (IEAs)

Overview – Information for Petitioner About Involuntary Emergency Admissions (IEAs)

What to Expect If IEA Petition is filed with the Court

RSA 135-C NH Mental Health Services System
See specifically RSA 135-C:27-33 (Involuntary Emergency Admissions)

NH DHHS Mental Health Information Page

NAMI website

Waiting in Emergency Department (Adults)

Waiting in Emergency Department (Kids)