Public Computer and Internet Access Policy


NHLL Internet Access is for legal research purposes only.

The New Hampshire Law Library's (NHLL) primary mission is to advance the administration of justice by providing legal information and offering related services to the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government, the legal communities of New Hampshire, and the people of the State. 

Accordingly, NHLL offers public computer and internet access solely for the purpose of researching the law, or accessing government documents. Access to non-legal information is allowed, however, to obtain information that might be used in a court of law or other legal proceedings, or to retrieve government documents.

Disclaimer and Warning

Access to computer and internet information is at your own risk. The information may be inaccurate, out of date, or incomplete. You are encouraged to exercise caution and critical judgment in evaluating the validity of information retrieved from the Internet. NHLL librarians also may be consulted for assistance in researching legal reference questions.

As a user of NHLL's public computer and internet services, you should have no expectation of privacy while utilizing these resources. 

Internet resources may contain material of a controversial nature. NHLL does not endorse viewpoints represented on the Internet, attempt to control access to or the content of materials available on the Internet, and can not protect users from offensive information

NHLL assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, losses, or invasions of privacy arising from your use of NHLL computers and connections to the Internet, or from provision of access to Internet services.

Guidelines for Access and Use

Acceptable Uses
  • NHLL public computers and Internet access are provided to conduct legal research or to retrieve federal or state government documents.
  • Parents or legal guardians assume responsibility for use by children under 18.
  • Web based e-mail accounts may be used to send legal research results to your home or office.
Unacceptable/Prohibited Uses 

You may not:

  • Use NHLL computers for any purpose that violates federal, state, or local laws, including but not limited to, violation of applicable copyright laws.
  • Add, modify, change, alter, damage, download, save, upload, circumvent, evade, reconfigure or otherwise interfere or change any established NHLL computer hardware, software, security or other computer system.
  • Use NHLL computers for non-research purposes such as e-mail, chat rooms, access lists, newsgroups, games, usenet news, commercial activities, etc.
  • Use NHLL computers to disrupt or interfere with other NHLL computer users; or to falsely represent yourself or NHLL.
Limitations on Use

NHLL reserves the right to impose time limitations on use of public access computers.

NHLL will provide limited one-to-one instruction, not to exceed 10 minutes, in use of Internet legal resources.

You are personally responsible for any materials ordered through the Internet. NHLL is not responsible for these costs; they must be paid through the use of a credit card.

NHLL reserves the right to verify that use of NHLL computers and/or Internet services is only for legal research or government document purposes.


Printing costs 20¢ per printed page.

Violation of these Guidelines

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in

  • Suspension of NHLL computer privileges and/or
  • Suspension of access to NHLL.

All NHLL staff have the authority and responsibility to enforce this policy.

Adopted November 2004