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Supreme Court Posts Notice concerning Forthcoming Reappointment or Appointment of a Member of the Board of Tax and Land Appeals
Members of the Board of Tax and Land Appeals (BTLA) are appointed by the Supreme Court and commissioned by the Governor. See RSA 71-B:2. One of the three current BTLA members is Theresa M. Walker, whose three-year term is due to expire on December 31, 2023. Theresa M. Walker has notified the Supreme Court of her interest in continuing to serve as a member for an additional three-year term beginning January 1, 2024.
To carry out its statutory responsibility as the appointing authority, the Supreme Court invites comments from members of the bar and the public as the Court considers whether to reappoint Theresa M. Walker to a three-year term on the BTLA.
Any other individual who seeks consideration for appointment to the BTLA should submit an application that includes a current resume and a separate statement of interest. The application should: (1) explain the applicant’s reasons for seeking appointment to the BTLA; (2) list two professional colleagues and two lay people who could act as a reference concerning the applicant’s fitness to serve as a member of the BTLA; and (3) identify and discuss the two or three most significant cases, transactions, administrative hearings, or projects demonstrating that the applicant is “learned and experienced in questions of taxation or real estate valuation and appraisal, or both,” as RSA 71-B:1 requires. An individual applying in this instance need not be an attorney licensed to practice law in New Hampshire.
Comments and applications should be directed to Clerk Timothy A. Gudas, New Hampshire Supreme Court, One Charles Doe Drive, 03301, and marked BOARD OF TAX AND LAND APPEALS – CONFIDENTIAL.
Comments and applications must be received by the close of business on November 9, 2023.